
BUKA @ OUM: A Capacity Building Programme Using Self-Instructional Training Modules

As a partner in the BUKA Project, the Open University of Malaysia (OUM) is promoting the use of inclusive learning design and learning analytics through a capacity building programme for its full-time academic staff. Part-time tutors will be invited to participate in the later stages of the programme. 

The capacity building programme is designed to cover a wide range of topics, including learning theories, pedagogical approaches, learning design, content creation, and learning analytics. Five modules were developed, each with one hour of reading and one activity that enables the participants to create an output that demonstrates the target learning outcomes. A sixth module provides skill-based training in designing and developing open educational resources (OERs). The modules are original and they were reviewed by an expert, instructional designer, and editor. A readability test was used to ensure that the modules are written at an appropriate grade level. The final process is desktop publishing (DTP), ensuring that each module looks more attractive and professional.

The Development Stage of Each Module

The first module on learning theories aims to enable readers to use a suitable learning theory or theories to develop a teaching and learning strategy that would enrich a learner’s learning experience in a selected subject area. Five well known learning theories are discussed. 

The second module discusses four pedagogical approaches — Authentic Pedagogical Approach, Experiential Pedagogical Approach, Transformational Pedagogy, and Innovative Pedagogy — along with the Universal Design Principle, to allow readers to explore how these approaches can enable effective achievement of the targeted learning objectives. 

In the third module various learning designs were introduced, namely, Backward Design, ABC Learning Design, Carpe Diem Learning Design, Design Thinking Learning Model, and Data Driven Learning Design. The selection, integration, and adaptation of a learning design model must take into consideration how this would influence learner behavior so as to have a positive impact on their academic performance.

The module on content creation enables a reader to explore various design considerations that can help in creating learning content in formats that can generate learner interest and engage them in order to improve their learning experience. Effective strategies and planning are required to ensure that the transmitted message is understandable and meets its goals. The selection of suitable media elements can help to enhance learner engagement throughout their learning process. 

The fifth module is on learning analytics. It aims to create an awareness among readers on the use of analytics to see how learners are progressing in a course, their needs, and their learning behavior patterns in order to support them in their efforts to achieve the intended course learning outcomes. 

The final module is a guide to the development of an OER based on selected design elements using the Canva software. The reader would need to identify a specific learner outcome before developing an OER that would then be used to develop the target outcome. 

The developed modules were tested for use in focus group sessions following a flipped classroom format.